GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Failure to return a borrowed car leads to arrest

A 29-year-old Bedford man was arrested on May 20 after borrowing a family member’s vehicle and failing to return it for several months. 

John David Burton

A Bloomfield resident informed the Greene County Sheriff’s Department that her nephew, John Burton, had asked to borrow a vehicle for two months while his was being repaired. That was in November 2021. For the last three months, she has attempted to contact Burton to return the beige 1998 Buick Park Avenue with no luck. She reported to Greene County Sheriff’s Department Officers Anthony Nelson and Harvey Holt that she has even contacted Burton’s mother in an attempt to get the vehicle returned.

Burton was arrested on May 20. His bond was set at $4000 surety with 10% cash allowed. He posted $400 and was released later the same day.

He is being charged with Auto Theft–Theft of entire automobile, a Level 6 Felony.