GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Driver accused of OVWI when he crashed into a tree last fall

Charges were filed this week after toxicology test results returned showing a Bloomfield driver had a BAC of .142 when he crashed into a tree on SR 157 last October.

Dylan C. Stahl, 21, Bloomfield, is facing preliminary charges of:

  • Operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person, a Class A misdemeanor,

  • Operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a Class C misdemeanor, and

  • Operating a vehicle with an alcohol concentration equivalent to at least .08 but less than .15, a Class C misdemeanor.

Deputy Davis Aerne of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department completed the accident investigation and report.

Several officers responded on October 16, 2020, when a caller told dispatch at 12:43 a.m. that he heard a loud crash outside his residence on State Road 157 north of Bloomfield. The caller also reported he saw a man walking northbound on the highway.

Deputy Marshal Wayman JR Blazier of the Bloomfield Police Department was first to arrive on the scene. He found a 2000 Mercury Sable crashed into a tree. He said there was nobody around the vehicle, but there was blood inside the vehicle.

When GCSD Sgt. Bobby Pierce arrived in the area, he was flagged down by a man who identified himself as Dylan Stahl. Stahl said he was the driver of the crashed car. Sgt. Pierce said Stahl had a large laceration to his head and he was bleeding.

When asked what happened, Stahl allegedly said he’d been drinking at Aggies in Bloomfield then left. He said a deer ran into the road in front of him. He said he wasn’t trying to run from the scene and he just went to a nearby residence to get help.

Stahl was transported to Greene County General Hospital by the Greene County Ambulance Service.

Sgt. Pierce reported Stahl showed signs of intoxication on the scene but he was unable to conduct standard field sobriety tests due to Stahl’s medical condition.

Once at the hospital, Stahl agreed to testing and a blood draw was taken with results sent to the Indiana Department of Toxicology.

Results were pending but when they came back, they showed Stahl had a blood alcohol concentration of .142. The legal limit is .08.

After charges were filed, a summons was issued ordering Stahl to appear in Greene Superior Court in March for an initial hearing.