GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Couple accused of smoking pot while caring for grandchild

Warrants were issued last week for the arrest of a Bloomfield couple accused of felony neglect of a dependent involving smoking pot while caring for a grandchild.

Steven Roudebush, 54, and Michelle Roudebush, 53, both of Bloomfield, are both facing charges of neglect of a dependent where the dependent is placed in a situation that endangers the dependent – a Level 6 felony, possession of marijuana – a Class B misdemeanor, and possession of paraphernalia – a Class C misdemeanor.

These charges came about as a result of an incident investigated by Deputy Marshal Jordan Allor of the Bloomfield Police Department.

Officer Allor was dispatched to the Village Apartments on West Turner Street in Bloomfield around 9:30 p.m. last Monday, October 8, about a complaint of a marijuana odor in the hallway of Building B.

When Officer Allor arrived, along with Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy Davis Aerne, they noticed the odor when they entered the building. Allor said the odor was strongest near the door to Apartment 14 and he signaled Deputy Aerne to come upstairs as the door to the apartment was opened by Steven Roudebush.

Allor reported that after explaining the reason why officers were there, Steven Roudebush gave them permission to enter the apartment where both he and Michelle Roudebush live, then later gave them permission to search the apartment. Allor said the odor was even stronger inside the apartment.

The couple was not taken into custody that night, but when officers left, they had in hand a small vile containing a green plant material that field tested positive as marijuana, another small container with green plant material and a metal smoking device.

According to Allor, Steven Roudebush said they had smoked marijuana a couple of hours earlier. Allor said both had a hard time focusing on what he was saying to them and he believed they were both impaired by marijuana.

Steven Roudebush allegedly said his daughter had passed away three months earlier, not long after giving birth. He said they were depressed and that’s why they smoked marijuana.

The daughter’s three-month old infant was in the apartment and Steven Roudebush said he was trying to become the child’s guardian.

By Thursday, the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office had filed a criminal case against both Steven and Michelle Roudebush and on Friday, warrants were issued for their arrests.