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Bloomfield man accused of stealing a case of beer

A Bloomfield man is accused of picking up a case of Bud Light in a bar then walking out the door..

Eric Von Peterson, 43, Bloomfield, is facing a charge of theft, a Class A misdemeanor.

The incident has been investigated by Deputy Marshal Wayman JR Blazier and Officer Ryan Montgomery, both of the Bloomfield Police Department. It occurred back in November.

Officer Montgomery was dispatched on a Sunday night, after 9 p.m., to the Spot Lounge on East Main Street in Bloomfield.

When he arrived, he talked to the bartender who said she told Peterson she could not sell the beer to him because it was past the 8 p.m. carry-out time allowed by the state law. She said Peterson then took a case (24-pack) of Bud Light worth $22 and left.

While he was on the scene, Officer Montgomery talked to four other patrons who witnessed the incident. Officer Montgomery reported they all said Peterson came in and took the case of beer then walked out without paying after the bartender told him he couldn’t take it.

Officer Montgomery also spoke to the owner of the Spot Lounge.

Peterson is being summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court for an initial hearing in mid-January.