The old Bell from the Greene County Courthouse is on display in the gazebo on the east side of the courthouse in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court July 15-July 19, 2024:

Greene Superior Court Infractions

Daniel S. Spoor, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Latoya V. Robinson, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Caitlyn A. Murphy, no valid driver’s license

Trey W. Keller, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Joyce A. Fiscus, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Jacob D. Hines, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Corey R. Zusin, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Zachary C. Farley, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Sara J. Farmer, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Andrea M. Snow, child restraint system violation—child less than 8 years of age

Taylor A. Frye, speeding—exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Rachelle G. Gibson, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Brett W. Kramer, failure of occupant to use a safety belt

Sap Thang Pui, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH