GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Motorists should remain cautious on rural roads this Spring; share the road with farm equipment 

Motorists should remain cautious on rural roads this Spring; share the road with farm equipment 

INDIANAPOLIS (April 10, 2023) — Planting season is quickly approaching for Indiana’s 94,000 farmers. With the warm weather and sunshine, Hoosier motorists will also see more large slow-moving farm equipment traveling Indiana’s rural roads and highways.

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Department of Agriculture warns of harvest traffic on rural roads

Department of Agriculture warns of harvest traffic on rural roads

Harvest season is here. Farm equipment during harvest season could include tractors, combines, grain carts, grain wagons and large trucks hauling agricultural products. These vehicles are wide, sometimes taking up most of the road, and often travel at speeds no greater than 25 mph. Several state agencies have teamed up to promote roadway safety this fall encouraging motorists to watch out and slow down for farm equipment on rural roads this harvest season.

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Planting season is here; remain alert to large farm equipment on Indiana roads

Planting season is here; remain alert to large farm equipment on Indiana roads

INDIANA (April 21, 2022) — Planting season is quickly approaching for Indiana’s 94,000 farmers. With the warm weather and sunshine, Hoosier motorists will also see more large slow-moving farm equipment traveling Indiana’s rural roads and highways.

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Planting season begins: Be alert, slow down, share the road

Planting season begins: Be alert, slow down, share the road

“Farming season can be both a joyful and anxious time as farmers begin to plant their crops,” said Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development. “Farmers on tractors and heavy equipment use the same roads we do, let’s save them some unneeded anxiety and be cautious and alert while out on the road.”

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