GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Suicide is not the answer! Greene County Emergency Management says caring people are ready and willing to help

The Greene County Emergency Management Agency Director Roger Axe says suicide is on the rise especially among young people but it’s not the answer. He wants people to know they are not alone, there is hope and caring people are ready to help.

Here is the information for Greene County that Axe wrote this morning:

Often times people think there is no alternative but to take their life. That is not true. This can be especially prevalent in winter weather due to being indoors so much. They feel confined or have cabin fever. People can become so despondent and depressed they can’t see or believe there is any hope or they are all alone. Don’t believe it!  Caring people are ready and are wanting to help you.

Suicide is on the rise especially among younger people.

Suicide can be the tragic result of untreated depression. Treatment for depression is a vital factor in any suicide prevention. With suicidal depression, different forms of individual therapy contribute toward sustainable healing. Treatment is also essential for suicide survivors.

Those left behind after a suicide, family, friends, and love ones are devastated and left in terrible pain.

There is no shame in asking for help.  The brain like any other organ that is heart, stomach, lungs, can get sick. You don’t have to go this alone. There is help.

Know the signs of people thinking of suicide:

1.     Talking about death or suicide.

2.     Seeking methods of self-harm such as online searches or obtaining a gun.

3.     Talking of feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.

4.     Changes in sleep.

5.     Talking about being a burden to others.

6.     Withdrawal.

7.     Sudden mood changes.

8.     Anxiety or agitation.

9.     No sense of purpose.

10.  Reckless behavior.

If you or anybody you know is having suicidal thoughts call:


800 273-8255

Every nightmare ends, some sooner, some later, but end they do. What follows the night is the dawn and the sun rising with all it’s glory. If you feel there is no hope for you, your sun will rise again, Axe said.