GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Linton woman accused of providing alcohol to minors

A social media post that showed two minors sick at their stomach after drinking alcohol led to an investigation by an LPD officer. Now the woman who allegedly provided the alcohol is being summoned into court on misdemeanor charges.

Savannah Lashae Neighbors, 26, Linton, is accused of providing alcohol to two minors who both got sick and were puking. One of them was reported to have been puking up blood but that was later determined to be caused by a nosebleed.

The Linton Police Department received an anonymous tip on April 23 about the incident that occurred on April 22, investigated by LPD Officer Wayman JR Blazier.

According to Officer Blazier’s report, his interviews with Neighbors, both victims and a couple who lived in a residence in Linton where the incident occurred revealed the two victims had been invited to a party and when they rode with Neighbors, she stopped at a liquor store, asked them if they wanted any beer and when they said yes, she bought a case of Miller Lite. They all then went to the couple’s residence in Linton where the beer was placed in a refrigerator on the back porch.

Neighbors and the couple were hanging out inside the house when the two victims asked if they could hang out on the back porch. Later on, it was discovered the minors had consumed numerous beers by “shotgunning” them. And then they got sick and were puking.

A criminal case was filed against Neighbors this week and she is being summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court in late June for an initial hearing on charges of two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Both are Class A misdemeanors.