GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Jasonville driver facing felony for meth possession

When a Jasonville driver, whose license was suspended, was pulled over for a non-working headlight late last night, she consented to a search of her vehicle and was taken into custody after officers reportedly found methamphetamine.

hanna marie murley

Hanna Marie Murley, 23, Jasonville, was arrested by Officer Skylar Scott of the Jasonville Police Department early Friday, March 31, during a traffic stop late Thursday, March 30.

Officer Scott was on duty when he noticed a red 2008 Ford Escape parked at a gas pump at Casey's General Store in Jasonville around 11:50 PM. The vehicle was parked there for an extended amount of time. Two women then got into the vehicle, left, and headed south on Sallust Street.

Officer Scott noticed the headlight on the driver's side was not working and he initiated a traffic stop at the intersection of Sallust and Liberty streets.

Murley was the driver with one female passenger. Murley provided her driver's license and vehicle registration and while she was talking to the officer, he noticed a glass smoking device sitting in the middle console area, but he returned to his patrol vehicle to check her information in the BMV database. Murley’s driver’s license was suspended.

When Murley was asked about the smoking device, she allegedly said she used it to smoke tobacco and she gave consent for a vehicle search. She had a couple of bags in the vehicle, and she also gave consent to search her belongings.

With JPD Officer Dustin Cain on the scene to assist, the officers searched the vehicle and Officer Scott reported they found a gray purse on the front driver’s seat. The purse contained a clear glass smoking device that had white residue. They also found a black grinder containing a green plant-like material.

Murley confirmed the purse belonged to her and when asked if the residue would test positive for methamphetamine, she allegedly said it would. Officer Scott then field-tested the residue and reported it did test positive as methamphetamine. Nothing further was located in the vehicle or her belongings.

The passenger was released from the scene and someone was contacted to pick up the vehicle.

Murley was transported to the Greene County Jail where she was booked in at 12:55 AM this morning. She was being held without bond pending court appearance.

When she is scheduled for her initial hearing, she will be formally charged with possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony.