GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Greene County Road Status moves to Level One / Advisory due to expected conditions

Before 6 p.m. today (Thursday, February 17) Greene County Emergency Management Director Roger Axe announced the Greene County Road Status has been set at Level One / Advisory due to the weather that is expected to result in hazardous travel conditions in the coming hours.

“Please be advised that Nathan Abrams, President, Greene County Board of Commissioners, has set the Greene County Road Status to Level One or Advisory,” said Axe. “This is due to the vast amount of precipitation Greene County experienced today that could lead to flooding of county roads. Also because of all the water we have on the roads and temperatures falling, the roads may become slick and hazardous especially in the darkness hours.

“The advisory status in all likelihood will return to normal Friday morning, January 18, 2022.”