GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Warrant issued for arrest of man who threatened to shoot another man and burn a house down

A warrant has been issued for the arrest of a Jasonville man after he allegedly threatened to shoot his neighbor’s landlord and burn down the residence.

Jasonville Police Chief Ryan VanHorn was dispatched to a South California Street residence after a call had been received from a landlord stating Jacob Farnsworth had threatened him while he was at one of his rental properties. 

When Chief VanHorn arrived on scene, he spoke with the landlord who said he was under one of his rental properties but could hear Farnsworth outside his house cursing. He asked Farnsworth if he was talking to him or to himself. Farnsworth then, according to the landlord, asked him to come onto his property. The landlord stated he was not going on to his property. The landlord stated that during their exchange, Farnsworth advised he was going to blow his brains out, shoot him in the head, burn down his trailer, and gut f**k him. The landlord said Farnsworth didn't have any weapons when he made the threats.

VanHorn spoke with a witness at the scene who said she was in the backyard when the argument occurred. She said she heard Farnsworth threaten to burn the landlord’s trailer down and shoot him in the head. She also told Farnsworth he was affiliated with people but did not say who.

Farnsworth said he was in the backyard untangling his dog when he heard the landlord ask if he was talking to him or talking to himself. Farnsworth denied threatening to burn the landlord’s trailer down. He also denied threatening to shoot the landlord, telling Chief VanHorn he doesn’t own a weapon. 

VanHorn, according to the probable cause affidavit, asked Farnsworth if he was affiliated with an organization. He said he was part of a gang and if the landlord wanted to threaten him, he could have people hurt him. 

When the warrant is served and Farnsworth appears in court for an initial hearing, he will be charged with intimidation, a level 6 felony.