GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Contempt of Court Update: Jasonville woman arrested for alleged trespassing at Shakamak School

See Update below.

A woman who showed up at a school and was allegedly talking to people who were not there was arrested after she was ordered to leave but refused.

Amanda Pierce

Amanda Pierce

Amanda Joann Pierce, 28, of Jasonville, was arrested last Thursday, September 20, on the grounds of the Shakamak School in Jasonville.

Sgt. Brian Pilant of the Jasonville Police Department, who also serves as the School Resource Officer for MSD Shakamak School, was working at the school that day when he was called by the central office to come to the office as soon as possible.

When he got to the office, the superintendent was talking to Pierce.

Pierce was asking the superintendent if her son was there at the school. Officer Pilant said he knew Pierce had signed over her rights to a child when she was in jail quite a while ago.

The superintendent told Pierce he could not release any information to her and he also told her she needed to leave the property because she was trespassing.

This occurred at the time of day when students would soon be released from school.

Besides telling the superintendent that she was not leaving, Pilant reported Pierce was also talking to people who were not there.

Pilant called for JPD Officer Ryan Van Horn to be dispatched to the school.

After Van Horn arrived, Pierce was taken into custody and transported to the Greene County Jail.

After she was booked in, her bond was set at $1,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. As of late Monday afternoon, she had not posted bond and was still in jail.

Pierce was scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court on Tuesday morning, September 25, for an initial hearing when she would be charged with criminal trespassing, a Class A misdemeanor.

UPDATE: Amanda Pierce appeared in Greene Superior Court early Tuesday but the court was unable to complete her initial hearing due to what the court record calls her disruptive behavior. She was found to be in contempt of court. The hearing will be rescheduled for a later date.