GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Her story didn’t work – Worthington woman facing charge of criminal mischief

A Worthington woman who claimed that when a man struck her with his vehicle, a pair of pliers somehow just came out of her hand and knocked his back window out. It appears a Worthington police officer didn’t buy her story – a criminal case has been filed against her.

Shayla Dawn Robinson, 30, Worthington, has been summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court on November 1 for an initial hearing on a charge of criminal mischief with damage between $750 and $50,000, a Class A misdemeanor.

The charge stems from an incident that occurred in Worthington back on Wednesday, September 1.

Around 5 p.m. that Wednesday, Robinson called 911 and said she had been hit by a vehicle. She named the male driver of the vehicle and said it happened in her driveway at 112 Center Street.

Officer Ryan Montgomery of the Worthington Police Department was dispatched and talked to Robinson who said the male driver was at her residence to help her put in a new water heater but they got into an argument because it wasn’t working properly. She said the argument took place outside while the male driver was in his black 2009 Kia Spectra.

Robinson alleged the driver pulled up to Center Street to leave but then backed up and she was struck by the rear bumper, causing her to be knocked backward and hit her head.

Robinson allegedly said she had a pair of pliers in her right hand at the time and the pliers ended up busting out the back window of the man’s vehicle. Robinson allegedly said the pliers must have come out of her hand when she was struck by the vehicle and busted the back window out.

Officer Montgomery noted that he did not see any marks on Robinson’s right leg where she said she was hit by the vehicle. He also said he did not see any marks or feel any bumps on the back of her head.

The man who was driving the vehicle had left before the officer arrived but Officer Montgomery located him and talked to him at the police department later that night. He confirmed he’d been at Robinson’s residence to help her put in a new hot water heater but after it was installed and turned on, there was a water leak. He said Robinson became upset so he went outside to his vehicle to let her calm down.

The man explained that Robinson had his pliers in her hand when she came outside. When he started to leave the driveway, he heard a loud noise and realized she had thrown the piers at his vehicle. He said he backed up to verbally confront her but she picked the pliers up and threw them again. So he went to drive away but as he did, he heard his back window break, which was the third time she had thrown the pair of pliers. He denied that he hit Robinson with his vehicle.

Officer Montgomery took photographs of the vehicle including a dent on the rear driver’s side, a couple of scratches on the trunk lid, a broken driver’s side taillight and a broken back window.

The driver later provided the officer with an estimate from Lakeside Body Shop in Linton to repair the vehicle. The total estimate to fix the above listed damages was $1,272.57.

After Officer Montgomery forwarded the information from his investigation to the prosecutor’s office, a criminal case was filed against Robinson.