GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Greene County Road Status elevated to Advisory: Level 2

Road Status in Greene County has been elevated to Level 2 or Watch Status by Nathan Abrams, President of the Greene County Board of Commissioners.  Level 2 means: 

“…conditions are threatening to the safety of the public. During a "watch" local travel advisory, only essential travel, such as to and from work or in emergency situations, is recommended, and emergency action plans should be implemented by businesses, schools, government agencies, and other organizations.”

“After conferring with Greene County Highway Superintendent, Roger Hamilton, we feel that road conditions are such that with the incoming snow they will only worsen today.  That is why I

have taken this action to protect the citizens of the county.  Although the roads may not look dangerous now, still people on the road only increase the chance of accidents and injury.” Abrams said.  

Also, people may start out, but as conditions worsen, they may have great difficulty getting back or not back at all.  As we have said before, stay off the roads.”  Abrams concluded.