GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Driver arrested while following a co-worker, who didn't want him following her

A 23-year-old Bloomington man found himself behind bars on Nov. 19 after allegedly following a co-worker home, then failing to stop for an emergency vehicle — in his case, a sheriff’s deputy who was attempting to initiate a traffic stop.

ethan david stogdill

Greene County Dispatch received a harassment complaint from a caller stating she and her friend were traveling in separate vehicles on State Road 45 heading toward State Road 58 being followed by a coworker. She said her friend had texted her stating the coworker — Ethan David Stogdill — had been following her in the Bloomington area. The alleged victim had gone out with some friends after work and noticed Stogdill following her shortly after. She didn’t want to drive to her house as she didn’t want him to know where she lived, so she contacted the caller. The caller instructed her to drive to her house so she could get behind her. 

Dispatch advised they pull into White River Co-Op, more commonly known as Hasler’s Junction. When Deputy Camron Frye of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department arrived, the two were there as was Stogdill, parked at a side pump watching them. 

Frye had Dispatch advise the alleged victim and caller to leave the scene as he approached Stogdill’s vehicle. As he approached the vehicle, back up lights came on as Stogdill had put the vehicle in reverse. Deputy Frye made eye contact with Stogdill and pointed at the parking spot, indicating him to pull back into the spot. Stogdill ignored Frye and drove past his patrol car even though emergency lights and sirens were activated. 

Deputy Frye left White River Co-Op in pursuit of Stogdill, who was again following the two. During the pursuit, Frye wrote in the probable cause affidavit, Stogdill’s speed remained around 55 miles per hour and he didn’t drive erratic; however, he failed to yield to an emergency vehicle. 

“During the course of the pursuit, Stogdill would stick his arm out of the driver's side window and point at (the caller’s) vehicle and then give thumbs up with his hand,” Frye wrote.

As the pursuit approached the intersection of State Roads 58 and 45, the alleged victim and caller came to stop at the stop sign before turning north on State Road 45. Stogdill came to stop as well. Frye went beside Stogdill's vehicle and gave repeated verbal commands to pull over. He still refused and continued north on State Road 45.

As the pursuit approached the intersection of State Roads 45 and 445, the traffic light was red, forcing the alleged victim, caller, and Stogdill to stop. As Frye stepped out of his patrol vehicle and began issuing verbal commands to Stogdill to put his vehicle in park, he attempted to drive around the caller’s car; however, she blocked his path with her vehicle.

When speaking with Stogdill, he told Frye he had followed the alleged victim because he wanted to make sure she was OK. Frye pointed out she did not want him following her. 

The alleged victim said the two had hung out a few times and he started showing interest in her, but she had tried to distance herself from him. She said he had been making her uncomfortable. 

Stogdill was arrested by Deputy Frye and transported to Greene County Jail where his bond was set at $4,000 surety with 10 percent allowed. He posted $400 and was released the same day. 

Stogdill is scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court on Dec. 1 where he will be formally charged with resisting law enforcement, a Level 6 Felony.