GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Be Well Crisis Helpline answers the call for Hoosiers in need

Be Well Crisis Helpline answers the call for Hoosiers in need

Crisis counselors have helped more than 6,000 Hoosiers experiencing emotional distress from COVID-19

INDIANAPOLIS – The Be Well Crisis Helpline recently passed an important milepost as it enters its sixth month of operation. The free service was launched in July to support the mental health needs of Hoosiers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service has answered more than 6,000 calls for help as it continues to provide 24/7 access to experienced and compassionate counselors, specially trained to help with the personal challenges that have come along with this pandemic.

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Indiana Supreme Court suspends jury trials in Indiana due to public health emergency

Indiana Supreme Court suspends jury trials in Indiana due to public health emergency

The Indiana Supreme Court handed down an Order Suspending Jury Trials statewide until March 1, 2021, citing the need for drastic measures as COVID-19 continues to surge. In-person jury trials pose an exceptional risk to everyone involved—even if every precaution is taken.

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Stats on COVID-19 cases in Greene County provided by Greene County Health Department

Stats on COVID-19 cases in Greene County provided by Greene County Health Department

The Greene County Health Department released the recent statistics, updated as of December 6, showing the increase in cases of COVID-19 in Greene County since the start of the pandemic and the breakdown of cases in each zip code in the county.

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Greene County Health Department Update and Advisory: Surge in local positive COVID-19 cases

Greene County Health Department Update and Advisory: Surge in local positive COVID-19 cases

November has been our county’s most contagious month since the pandemic started with 513 COVID-19 cases up from 202 cases in October. Moving into the first week of December, the county’s positive cases rose drastically over the last seven days totaling 213 cases and one death. With the fallout of COVID-19 positive cases from Thanksgiving gatherings still being actualized and the season’s biggest holiday emerging, we are on par for an even bigger surge in the days to come. Please understand that the coronavirus has a firm grip on our communities. It is up to you to reduce the spread.

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Greene County Health Department shares guidance on testing positive and contact tracing

Greene County Health Department shares guidance on testing positive and contact tracing

Contact tracing is handled by the Indiana Department of Health contact tracers; however, there are experiencing a delay due to the State’s surge in COVID-19 cases. State contact tracers are leaning on the local health departments to provide contact tracing assistance.

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Greene County Health Department reports rapid spread of COVID-19 in Greene County

Greene County Health Department reports rapid spread of COVID-19 in Greene County

Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 throughout our community, Greene County is in a state of high alert. We have surveilled more positive cases in the past three (3) weeks, than during the entire pandemic. You have the power to stop COVID-19 in its tracks!

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