GreeneStreets. Feature photo of a back country road in Greene County, Indiana.

Bloomfield man accused of breaking flag pole

A Bloomfield man has been summoned to appear in court following a criminal mischief incident involving damage to a flag pole and sliding door. 

Deputy Jordan Allor of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call of criminal mischief on County Road 70 East in Bloomfield on July 22. The caller reported her flag pole had been broken and jammed into her sliding door. Upon arrival, Allor removed the flag from the door handle and noticed a small dent where the flag was wedged in. When the caller attempted to open the door, it was off track and did not open as it should. 

The caller told Allor she had received a text with a picture of the damage from the mother of Max Hostettler. 

When speaking with Hostettler’s mom, she said he sent her a text with a picture of the damage. She alluded to an accident he had resulting in brain injuries and said he hadn’t been acting like himself lately. 

When Allor spoke with Hostettler, he admitted to breaking the flag pole and door handle. Allor informed the homeowner wanted to press charges for damages incurred. Hostettler offered to fix the damages if the homeowner wasn’t at the residence; however, Allor informed Hostettler the homeowner wants him trespassed from her property. If he returns to the property, he will be arrested for trespassing. 

A summons to appear in Greene Superior Court was issued Aug. 1. Hostettler will be charged with criminal mischief, a Class B misdemeanor.