WPD announces Worthington warning siren will be tested at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 24
The Worthington Police Department has announced a special test of Worthington’s warning siren will be conducted next Tuesday morning, March 24, at 10:30 a.m.
In a press release issued late Friday, Town Marshal Jim O’Malley and the WPD explained:
“The state of Indiana recently scheduled a statewide test of the “Early Warning Weather Siren” system to happen on March 18. This was canceled statewide due to the coronavirus pandemic. The cancelation was an effort to not further add to heightened confusion and uncertainty of the coronavirus issue.
“The Greene County Sheriff’s Dispatch will be the first to have knowledge of inclement weather from the National Weather Service. When these tornado warnings are issued by the National Weather Service for our area, the “Early Warning Weather Siren” will be remotely activated by the Greene County Sheriff’s Department.
“To be prepared for the tornado season, the WPD has scheduled the Greene County Sheriff’s Department to remotely activate the “Early Warning Weather Siren” for the Town of Worthington on Tuesday, March 24, at approximately 10:30 a.m. This is only a test of the system.”