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Worthington man charged in two domestic incidents

Officers have responded twice in about a month to domestic incidents involving the same suspect. Last week, he was arrested by a WPD officer and is now facing charges in two cases.

Joshua Lee Carmichael

Joshua Lee Carmichael

Joshua Lee Carmichael, 29, of Worthington, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Brittany Allen of the Worthington Police Department last Wednesday, April 15. Carmichael was booked into jail around 6:15 p.m. His bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. As of this evening, Thursday, April 23, he has not yet posted bond and remains in the Greene County Jail.

Carmichael appeared in Greene Superior Court yesterday, Wednesday, April 22, for not one, but two initial hearings because Carmichael now has two criminal cases pending against him, in two separate domestic incidents. One occurred in mid-March. The other occurred last week on the day of his arrest.

Police were called to a residence on Haxton Street in Worthington shortly after midnight, back on Thursday, March 12. The caller said Carmichael was screaming at everyone in the house and was threatening everyone.

Three deputies were dispatched. GCSD Deputy Jordan Allor, the investigating officer, and Deputies Michael Coy and Camron Frye arrived but Carmichael had left the residence and they were unable to locate him.

Deputy Allor reported that when he interviewed family members, they alleged Carmichael had been drinking a lot of whisky, got had gotten into an argument with one and it turned into a physical fight. Carmichael allegedly broke several items including glass dishes and a glass lamp shade, threatened to end the life of one person while Carmichael was holding a knife, and pushed another person causing them to fall against furniture. Carmichael allegedly used the knife to stab a freezer, which caused the knife to bend. A family member showed the bent knife to Deputy Allor.

When Deputy Allor returned to the home the next day, Carmichael was not there and one family member said they didn’t want any charges to be filed.

About a month later, police were called to the residence again for a similar complaint. This time, WPD Officer Allen took Carmichael into custody and transported him to jail.

Officer Allen reported that when she arrived at the home, she observed one family member with marks on an arm from an altercation. She also saw noticeable blood on the front door and damaged drywall.

Officer Allen learned Carmichael had been drinking and allegedly became argumentative then abusive and a physical fight occurred. Another family member was pushed and had a large contusion to the top of the head where they hit a door knob.

During the altercation, a small child was present but was taken to a neighbor’s residence when the altercation began.

Officer Allen reported when she talked to Carmichael, he was upset but was not confrontational. Carmichael was arrested without further incident.

During his initial hearings, a public defender was appointed to represent Carmichael.

In the March case, he has been charged with domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor. He is not being detained in this case.

In the April case when he was arrested, he has been charged with domestic battery committed in the presence of a child less than 16 years old, a Level 6 felony, and domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor. He is being detained in this case and his bond remains set at $4,000 with ten percent cash allowed.

Three protective orders have been issued ordering Carmichael to have no contact with three individuals.