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Woman allegedly in possession of a stolen rental truck and meth

A woman accused of the theft of a rental truck allegedly had meth and syringes in her possession when she was arrested by a Jasonville police officer.

Arica Layne McAdams

Arica Layne McAdams, 32, appeared in Greene Superior Court last Thursday, August 22, and was charged with:

  • Possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony,

  • Possession of a syringe, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Theft, a Level 6 felony.

McAdams was arrested by Sgt. Brian Pilant of the Jasonville Police Department on Wednesday, August 14, after Pilant was dispatched to check on a stolen U-Haul truck that had been spotted on Fry Street in Jasonville near the school.

At the time of her arrest, McAdams was listed on the jail log with a home address in Terre Haute, but court records list her with an address in Bloomfield.

Sgt. Pilant located the truck in a driveway and determined it was the truck that had been stolen. McAdams got out of the truck as he drove up and in a later interview, allegedly admitted she was the one in possession of the truck.

Sgt. Pilant also reported he determined McAdams was in possession of a small baggie of a substance that tested positive as methamphetamine and a bag of syringes.

McAdams was transported and booked in to jail where she was held without bond pending her appearance in court.

During her initial hearing, her bond was set at $12,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. However, McAdams was just convicted and sentenced in May for felony possession of methamphetamine in Vigo County. Following her arrest in Greene County, a warrant was issued for her arrest in Vigo County for an alleged probation violation. In that case, her bond is set at $20,000 with no ten percent cash allowed.

Sgt. Pilant noted the stolen truck has been released to the owner by the Terre Haute Police Department.