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Wanted: Warrant out for Bloomfield man accused of battery resulting in injury to another man

While attempting to purchase firewood, a Bloomfield man allegedly battered an individual while trespassing on his property and entering a residence without permission. 

When Keven Hammonds showed up at an East Church Street residence in Bloomfield on Feb. 16 to purchase firewood, he allegedly entered the residence without permission. The victim, who sells firewood, told Bloomfield Police Department Lt. Marvin Holt and Officer Ryan Montgomery that Hammonds opened the door to the home unannounced, asked for a couple of pieces of firewood, and asked the victim to exit the residence. Once outside, according to a probable cause affidavit prepared by Montgomery, Hammonds asked the victim why his (Hammonds’) wife had been at the residence. Upon answering, Hammonds alleged the victim was lying and closed fist punched him on the left side of his head near his ear. 

According to the probable cause affidavit, the victim said Hammonds punched him so hard that he was knocked out and left unconscious in his own front yard. The victim stated that he felt pain when hit by Hammonds and was still in pain while officers were on the scene. He was offered but declined medical treatment. Montgomery observed and photographed a red mark under the victim’s left ear. The victim also showed Montgomery a pair of blue jean overalls he was wearing at the time of the incident, which had what appeared to be mud on the back. The overalls were also photographed. Montgomery noted in the probable cause that the front yard where the incident took place was muddy.  

Montgomery spoke with a witness at the scene who alleged Hammonds walked through the door of their residence uninvited and asked for firewood. She said the victim and Hammonds left the home together; however, the victim came back inside screaming and stated Hammonds had hit him. Another witness said the victim and Hammonds went outside together then the victim came back inside the residence screaming.

On Feb. 16, Montgomery and Holt went to Hammonds’ residence in an attempt to locate him but were unsuccessful. They were unable to locate a phone number to attempt to call him. 

A warrant was  issued for Hammonds’ arrest on Feb. 22. When in custody, he will be charged with: 

  • Battery resulting in moderate bodily injury, a Level 6 Felony

  • Residential entry, a Level 6 Felony

  • Battery resulting in bodily injury, a Class A Misdemeanor

  • Criminal Trespass, a Class A Misdemeanor