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Trespasser says he’ll be back when he gets out of jail

A man arrested this week for trespassing on a property in Bloomfield was served with notification not to be on the property earlier this month.

Joshua Lloyd Roach

Joshua Lloyd Roach, 38, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Brittany Ingram of the Bloomfield Police Department and booked into the Greene County Jail at 12:05 a.m. on Monday, March 29, after Officer Ingram was dispatched to do a welfare check around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 28.

Roach listed a home address in Terre Haute on the jail log but court records show him with a home address in Sullivan. In one previous case, he was living in Linton.

Officer Ingram arrived at the Bloomfield Housing Authority, also known as the High Rise, to check on someone in an apartment and when the door opened, she recognized the individual opening the door to be Joshua Roach.

Officer Ingram was aware, due to previous encounters, that Roach is not allowed to be at the High Rise and he was taken into custody. Roach was served with a notification not to trespass on the High Rise property back on March 1.

Roach was transported to jail where his bond was set at $1,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. As of late Wednesday afternoon, Roach had not yet posted bond and was still in jail. But during booking, Roach allegedly said that he will be returning to the High Rise, no matter what, once he is released from jail.

A criminal case has been filed against Roach in Greene Superior Court. He is facing a charge of criminal trespassing, a Class A misdemeanor, but the date of his initial hearing is not yet set.

Roach has another case pending against him with an initial hearing set for late April, stemming from an incident earlier this month. In this case, he’s facing a charge of conversion, a Class A misdemeanor.

The conversion case was investigated by BPD Deputy Marshal Wayman JR Blazier starting on Saturday, March 6, when a man reported he let Roach use his truck and Roach did not return it.

When Officer Blazier talked to the truck owner, he said he gave Roach permission to take his truck and go to Bloomington to pick the truck owner’s son up and bring them home. The truck owner said the son did arrive home but not with Roach. The son said he had to hitch a ride back to Bloomfield. The son also said the truck was sitting in the parking lot of the Comfort Inn on State Road 48 in Bloomington.

Officer Blazier requested assistance from the Bloomington Police Department to locate the truck but they did not find it.

Later the same day, the truck owner’s wife notified dispatch that the truck was back in the owner’s driveway but she didn’t hear it pull into the driveway and didn’t know how long it had been sitting there.