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Theft suspect spits on this, that and the other on way to jail yesterday

A Linton man accused of stealing one Budweiser Joose Screwdriver said he didn’t do it but was on his way to jail when he allegedly spit on this, that and the other in an LPD officer’s patrol vehicle.

Christopher Michael Feltner

Christopher Michael Feltner, 36, Linton, was arrested by Officer Cayden Walker of the Linton Police Department on Thursday, October 7.

Officer Walker was dispatched around 3 p.m. to the Smokers Host (Beer Cave) store in Linton after LPD Dispatch received a report of a theft.

According to a store employee, a man with red hair wearing a blue shirt and baggie shorts concealed a Budweiser Joose Screwdriver in his shorts then brought another Budweiser to the counter and asked for a price check. When told the Bud was $2.99, the man advised he was going home to get the money and then would return. He allegedly left the store with the Bud beverage in his shorts.

Officer Walker reported the incident was recorded on the store’s video surveillance system and when he viewed the footage, it confirmed what the employee said.

The man was identified as Christopher Feltner so Officer Walker went to his residence to speak with him. Feltner first denied going to the store that day then said he was only there for a couple of minutes but didn’t do anything. When told there was a video of him placing the beverage in his pants, he denied it and said he wouldn’t steal things.

While Officer Walker was speaking with Feltner, LPD Chief Paul Clark, who had arrived on scene to assist, located a Budweiser Joose Screwdriver can in the bottom of Feltner’s outside trash can.

Feltner was taken into custody and transported to the Greene County Jail but on the way there, he allegedly spit a lot. In a probable cause affidavit prepared by Officer Walker, he wrote, “While enroute to the jail, Christopher spit on the back passenger side window, my computer, the front dash on the passenger side, and miscellaneous items in my patrol vehicle.”

Feltner was booked in at 5:29 p.m. with bond set at $1,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. As of late today/Friday, he has not yet posted bond and is still in custody.

Feltner is facing a charge of theft, a Class A misdemeanor.