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Switz City woman’s behavior leads to arrest for methamphetamine

Deputies believed the behavior of a Switz City woman may have been caused by methamphetamine use and after she was found to be in possession of meth and paraphernalia, she was arrested.

kimberly s clapp

Kimberly S. Clapp, 50, Switz City, was arrested by Deputy Michael Stanley of the Greene County Sheriff's Department late Wednesday, September 21.

Deputies were responding around 10:20 PM Wednesday to a residence on West County Road 60 North, Switz City, after someone reported Clapp was yelling from her residence then walking in the roadway where she was almost hit by a passing vehicle. The caller reported that Clapp tested positive for methamphetamine in her system when she was at Greene County General Hospital in connection with another incident earlier in the day.

Deputy Stanley, the investigating officer, said Sergeant Jordan Allor arrived on the scene first and said Clapp wanted him to search her residence to make sure nobody was inside. When Deputy Stanley arrived, Clapp was sitting on a picnic table with her walker nearby. He said Clapp’s speech was mumbled but they cleared the residence to make sure no one else was there and then EMS arrived to check on Clapp.

Clapp then gave consent for the deputies to further search her residence in depth and they reported they located a small black pouch containing a glass smoking device that contained a white powder residue. It was located in a bedroom with small empty baggies and medication prescribed to Clapp nearby. The residue tested positive as methamphetamine and the device and the small plastic baggies were collected for evidence.

Following the earlier incident, a neighbor of Clapp’s got a call asking her to give Clapp a ride home from the hospital. The neighbor said she did not want to be responsible for Clapp other than picking her up and dropping her off and she did give Clapp a ride home. When the neighbor was interviewed later, she said she dropped Clapp off and then drove to her own residence, locked the doors to her vehicle and went inside. But she said Clapp, shortly after taking off her clothes, cussing and screaming, pulling her hair and kicking stuff, came across the street to the neighbor’s house and tried to get inside, rattling the doorknob and banging on the door. The neighbor said she wanted this to stop and did not want Clapp back on her property.

A no trespass order was filled out and Clapp was advised she was not to be on the neighbor’s property again and if she returned, she would be arrested for criminal trespassing.

When deputies talked to Clapp, she said the meth pipe was not hers and she was only knocking on the neighbor’s door but she did admit she had taken three hits off that pipe. Clapp was provided clothing so she would be dressed more appropriately, then handcuffed and transported to the Greene County Jail where she was booked in at 11:45 PM and held without bond pending court appearance.

A criminal case was filed against Clapp in Greene Superior Court yesterday on charges of:

  • Possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Possession of paraphernalia, a Class C misdemeanor.

The date of her initial hearing is not yet known.