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Suspicious man on foot arrested for meth

A caller said a homeless-looking man, wearing all black and pulling a cart while walking on a county road, might be staying in abandoned houses.  

Levi Anthony Shane Elkins

Levi Anthony Shane Elkins, 31, Linton, was arrested by Deputy Jordan Allor of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department on Tuesday night, March 30. Elkins was booked into the Greene County Jail at 7:37 p.m.

Around 5:30 p.m. that Tuesday, a caller reported a man was walking west on County Road 150 South near CR 1000 West wearing a black coat, black pants and boots, pulling a cart, looking like he was homeless. The caller believed the man was living in abandoned houses and thought someone should check on the man.

Deputy Allor was dispatched and when he was enroute, he was advised another deputy said he thought the man would turn out to be Levi Elkins.

When Deputy Allor located the man, who was later identified as Levi Elkins, he was standing at an intersection and told the deputy his cousin had a trailer nearby and he was taking some of his things there to be stored.

Elkins was found to have warrants out for his arrest in both Monroe and Hamilton counties, but when asked if he was Levi Elkins, he allegedly said he was not an Elkins and he gave a different last name.

Elkins was detained and during a search of his backpack, Deputy Allor located several items that said “Levi Elkins” as well as a clear glass smoking device with a white residue that field-tested positive as methamphetamine. Elkins said he found the device along the side of the road.

Elkins is facing preliminary charges of

  • Possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Possession of paraphernalia, a Class C misdemeanor.

Elkins is still in custody. He’s being held without bond pending court appearance which is scheduled for tomorrow morning, April 8.