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New allegation made against Jasonville man charged with sexual misconduct

A Jasonville man arrested in June following an incident in Linton was charged with six felony counts involving sexual battery and sexual misconduct with minors. He was out on bond when another allegation was made about an incident of felony child molestation that allegedly occurred in Jasonville more recently. Two warrants were issued and he was arrested last Friday. He’s being held without bond.

Tiersen Deagan Pfister

Tiersen Deagan Pfister, 20, Jasonville, was arrested first by Det. Logan Hobbs of the Linton Police Department on Sunday, June 13. He was booked in at 12:14 a.m. with bond set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $400 and was released.

Pfister was accused of inappropriate behavior toward three juveniles approximately 14 years old during an incident that occurred on Monday night, June 7, at a residence in Linton where two of the juveniles were spending the night at the third juvenile’s home. Pfister allegedly supplied marijuana, two of the juveniles smoked the marijuana with him and there was some drinking of alcohol going on along with unwelcome sexual activity by Pfister toward the juveniles.

Sgt. Hobbs interviewed one of the juvenile’s parent who reported the incident to police, then interviewed two of the juveniles who were able to provide details about what had happened on the night of the incident. He attempted to interview the third juvenile but the interview was stopped due to an emotionally traumatic reaction to the questions.

When Sgt. Hobbs interviewed Pfister, he allegedly admitted to his actions and provided details and even a demonstration of something he had done to one of the victims during the incident.  

When Pfister, who retained an attorney from Cloverdale to represent him, appeared in Greene Circuit Court for his initial hearing, protective orders were issued and he was charged with:

  • Sexual misconduct with a minor, a Level 5 felony,

  • Sexual battery – victim compelled to submit by force or imminent threat of force, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Four counts of sexual misconduct with a minor, all as Level 6 felonies.

Pfister, still 20, still from Jasonville, was arrested the second time by Officer Skylar Scott of the Jasonville Police Department last Friday night, September 10, while Pfister was out on bond. Pfister was booked in at 11:31 p.m. but this time, he was held without bond.

Two warrants had been issued for Pfister’s arrest earlier in the day, one on a new allegation of child molesting that was investigated by Officer Scott.

The new allegation was made by a woman who went into the Jasonville Police Department on Friday, August 27, and reported her juvenile child, approximately 12 years old, had been touched inappropriately by Pfister about a month earlier but she became aware of it when Pfister was at her house again and Pfister allegedly said that he had touched the juvenile. She said this led to a physical altercation between Pfister and an older sibling of the juvenile. The sibling pinned Pfister to the ground and the parent separated them and told Pfister to leave.

Officer Scott talked to a witness who explained how Pfister had said he had touched the juvenile, talked to the sibling, then the juvenile was interviewed at Suzie’s Place in Bloomington.

When Officer Scott asked Pfister to meet him at the police department for an interview, Pfister said he would not speak with him without his attorney present.

The findings of Officer Scott’s investigation was submitted to the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office and a new criminal case was filed against Pfister last Friday, also in Greene Circuit Court, and a warrant issued for Pfister’s arrest.

On the same day, the prosecution asked for Pfister’s bond to be revoked in the first case. The court approved, revoked his bond, and another warrant was issued for his arrest.

In the latest case, Pfister is facing a charge of child molesting involving fondling or touching with a child under the age of 14, a Level 4 felony.

In this new case, yesterday, September 13, the defense filed a motion asking for pretrial home release but there’s no ruling on that yet.

As of late Tuesday, September 14, Pfister is still in the Greene County Jail where he’s being held without bond.