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Solsberry man pulls a gun on GCSD detective after high speed pursuit in eastern Greene County last Saturday morning

When a Solsberry man attempted to flee from a GCSD detective and took off in his vehicle during a traffic stop, the detective gave chase at speeds up to 90 mph on both state and county roads in eastern Greene County. When the driver stopped and got out, it became a foot chase but then the suspect stopped and pulled a gun.   

Thomas Jeffrey Cratty

Daphine Ann Murphy

Thomas Jeffrey Cratty, 39, and Daphine Ann Murphy, 44, both of Solsberry, were arrested by Detective David Elmore of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department on Saturday morning, November 6.

At approximately 9:42 a.m. last Saturday, Det. Elmore initiated a traffic stop on East Washboard Road near North State Road 43 on a vehicle driven by Thomas Cratty.

Cratty refused to stop and kept waving Det. Elmore to go around. Then Cratty abruptly came to a stop and waved for Det. Elmore to approach Cratty’s vehicle. Det. Elmore said he gave commands for Cratty to turn his vehicle off as Cratty continued to wave the officer toward his vehicle. With Det. Elmore continuing to give verbal commands for Cratty to turn his vehicle off, Cratty screamed profanities, then drove off.

Det. Elmore returned to his patrol vehicle and gave chase. During the pursuit, Det. Elmore was reporting speeds reaching 70 to 90 mph on both state and county roads.

Cratty then drove his vehicle to his residence, located at 3759 North Legion Road, Solsberry, and exited the vehicle. Det. Elmore exited his patrol vehicle and pursued Cratty on foot.

Det. Elmore reported that during the foot pursuit, Cratty stopped at the corner of his modular home and displayed a large revolver while telling Det. Elmore to continue after him. Det. Elmore said he was about 12 feet away from Cratty when Cratty displayed the gun in his right hand near the front of his right thigh and pelvis area. At that point, Det. Elmore retreated to Cratty’s vehicle for cover while pulling his duty-issued firearm out.

After Det. Elmore took cover, Cratty ran inside the modular home and Cratty’s girlfriend, Daphine Murphy, came out of the home and said Cratty would come out.

With GCSD Deputy James Carpenter arriving on the scene to assist, Det. Elmore and Deputy Carpenter made multiple announcements for Cratty to exit the residence. When Cratty did come out, he was taken into custody.

Cratty then allegedly told Det. Elmore that he (Cratty) was not the one driving the vehicle. Cratty said his “old lady” was the driver. When Det. Elmore asked Murphy if she was operating the vehicle, Murphy allegedly said she was. Murphy was also taken into custody.

Both Cratty and Murphy were transported to the Greene County Jail. Cratty was booked in at 10:31 a.m., Murphy at 12:00 p.m.

That same morning, Det. Elmore applied for a search warrant for Cratty’s residence and vehicle. It was approved by Greene Superior Court Judge Dena Martin.

When the search warrant was executed by Indiana State Police Troopers Eric Nash and Ian Portteus and GCSD Reserve Deputies Tom Colvin and Robert Just Jr., Det. Elmore reported syringes that were located in Cratty’s vehicle later field-tested positive for the presence of methamphetamine.

Inside the residence, Deputy Just located a Taurus Judge revolver inside a closet. It was loaded and ready to fire. Det. Elmore identified the revolver as the handgun Cratty had displayed during the pursuit.

Cratty is being held without bond pending court appearance on the following preliminary charges:

  • Possession of handgun without a license with prior felony, a Level 5 felony,

  • Habitual Traffic Violator for life, a Level 5 felony,

  • Intimidation with a deadly weapon, a Level 5 felony,

  • Resisting Law Enforcement using a vehicle, a Level 6 felony,

  • Maintaining a common nuisance, a Level 6 felony,

  • Possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony,

  • Possession of syringe, no medical use, a Level 6 felony,

  • Reckless driving, a Class C misdemeanor,

  • Refusal to aid an officer, a Class B misdemeanor, and

  • False informing, a Class B misdemeanor.

Murphy is facing a preliminary charge of false informing, a Level 6 felony. Her bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. She posted $400 and was released from jail later in the day.

Note: Murphy was recently arrested as a result of another incident at this residence in which emergency personnel responded to a medical emergency involving the overdose of a juvenile. To read the earlier story posted on GreeneStreets about the incident and Murphy’s arrest, click on the Tag “Daphine Murphy” below this story.

This story will be updated after criminal charges are filed and Cratty appears in court for his initial hearing.