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Solsberry driver did not have a valid license to drive

A Solsberry man, who had lost his driver’s license for life, is facing a Level 5 felony after a GCSD detective saw him driving a vehicle.

Thomas Jeffrey Cratty

Thomas Jeffrey Cratty, 39, Solsberry, was arrested by Deputy Michael Stanley of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department last Saturday, August 14, on a warrant issued as a result of an investigation by GCSD Detective David Elmore.

In mid-June, Det. Elmore was conducting a follow-up investigation at Cratty’s residence on North Legion Road, Solsberry, when he noticed Cratty’s girlfriend’s vehicle was missing but she was present at the residence. Cratty was not there and Det. Elmore knew he was on probation in Monroe County for operating a vehicle after a lifetime suspension of his driver’s license.

When asked about the vehicle, Cratty’s girlfriend allegedly said Cratty had taken their dogs for a ride to get them away from the house while personnel were there from the Department of Child Services (DCS) as well as the detective.

When Det. Elmore left the residence, headed south on Legion Road, he passed the girlfriend’s vehicle and saw Cratty driving with his dog as a passenger in the front seat.

After returning to the sheriff’s department, a records check showed Cratty was convicted in March of 2021 in Monroe County with being a habitual traffic violator for life, a Level 5 felony.

A criminal case was filed last week and a warrant issued for Cratty’s arrest. Once in custody, his bond was set at $10,000 with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $1,000 and was released later the same day he was arrested.

Cratty is now scheduled to be in Greene Superior Court on August 26 for his initial hearing on a charge of operating a motor vehicle after forfeiture of license for life, a Level 5 felony.