On GreeneStreets: Presidents Day Update
Celebrating Presidents Day, a federal/national holiday, a banking holiday, a USPS postal holiday – all post offices were closed and there was no mail delivery, most schools across the country were out for the day, and most governmental offices closed. Except in Greene County, where county employees did not get the day off and the courthouse was open for business as usual.
I’ve been working to download files and set up a new laptop. Doctor’s orders are to stay off my feet for some time to come, unknown how long. Specifically, dr. said not to be sitting at a desk with my “legs and feet dangling down.” And I have a desktop computer.
So, a couple, long-time friends, were here yesterday to move me, my bed, my desk, into the front room in front of the big windows, and close to the kitchen, another old friend is delivering a chair with an ottoman this week that should be laptop work friendly while keeping feet up, and thanks to loyal readers and especially to those special people who contributed to the gofundme account, I have a laptop in hand. Got a heck of a deal.
At a doctor’s appointment last week, I was thrilled to get on the scale – I had gained more weight than I thought possible since I left the hospital, my BMI has gone up, and my potassium/sodium/electrolyte balance was in the acceptable range, but just barely. Now I’m on a round of potassium chloride to bring potassium up higher and I’m feeling so much better. I can now walk (with a walker) to the fridge, to the microwave and back to my sittin’ spot, something not possible a week ago. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m coming along, and with the cloudy, rainy, windy, cold days, I guess this is a good time to be inside healing, watching the world go by, and writing.
Got a lot of catching up to do, but I think I’m within a day, maybe two, of posting stories on a more regular basis.
God is good. And I feel blessed to be here doing what I do, and for friends and Worthington and the small-town communities in Greene County. There’s no place else on earth that I’d rather be.