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Murder charges dismissed against two suspects

Three suspects have been linked in one way or the other to the murder of John Chapman on March 17. Late this afternoon, murder charges were dismissed against two of those suspects.

Cases have been dismissed against Brandon Criss, 34, and Devon Nichols, now 17, both of Linton, but not against Gary Alexander “Alex” Moore, 18, also of Linton.

Criss and Nichols were arrested on March 25 in connection with Chapman’s murder on the night of March 17.

Criss was subsequently charged with:

  • Murder, a felony,

  • Conspiracy to commit murder, a Level 1 felony,

  • Two counts of obstruction of justice, both Level 6 felonies, and

  • False informing resulting in substantial hindrance to a law enforcement procedure, a Class A misdemeanor.

Nichols was subsequently charged with:

  • Murder, a felony,

  • Conspiracy to commit murder, a Level 1 felony,

  • Obstruction of justice, a Level 6 felony, and

  • False informing resulting in substantial hindrance to a law enforcement procedure, a Class A misdemeanor.

Due to the nature of the charges, the case of Nichols, a juvenile, was automatically waived into adult court and his identity and the information about the case became a matter of public record.

The investigation into the murder did not stop with the arrests of Criss and Nichols – in fact it was far from over.

During the course of the ongoing investigation, investigators uncovered evidence that pointed to Moore’s involvement with Chapman on the night of his death.

Evidence showed an individual met Chapman at a gazebo located in Linton and investigators believe it was Moore who met Chapman for a drug-related purpose.

During Moore’s interview, he allegedly said he met Chapman and that there was an altercation. Moore allegedly admitted that during the altercation, he drew and used a fixed blade knife to stab Chapman one time. However, results of an autopsy showed Chapman was stabbed three times, with wounds on his back, one side and one hand.

Moore was booked into the Greene County Jail around 11 p.m. on Monday, April 6.

He was subsequently charged with:

  • Aggravated battery – assault posed a substantial risk of death, a Level 3 felony,

  • Battery by means of a deadly weapon, a Level 5 felony, and

  • Obstruction of justice, a Level 6 felony.

Both Criss and Nichols were being held without bond. Moore’s bond was set at $25,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed but he did not post bond and has remained in custody since the day of his arrest.

Work on this case has continued every day since day one after Chapman’s body was reported to the Linton Police Department. A substantial number of interviews and re-interviews have been conducted, a wide range of evidence including DNA (results pending), surveillance video, personal statements, cell phone data, call records, text messages and weapons have been collected.

In tracking down the leads, evidence pointed investigators in a direction that was not obvious from the start.

Late today, Monday, May 4, Greene County Prosecutor Jarrod Holtsclaw filed a motion to dismiss the case against Brandon Criss and filed a motion to dismiss the case against Devon Nichols.

For Nichols, since GreeneStreets reported his arrest and the charges filed against him, it’s only right to report that the charges against him have been dismissed. If he faces any other charges connected to the case, they would be a juvenile matter and would not be public record.

Nichols was released from custody of the Greene County Jail today.

Criss remains in custody, as of late Monday, May 4. Although murder charges have been dismissed, charges connected to counterfeiting have been filed against him and he is being held in lieu of a $12,000 bond with ten percent cash allowed. He could be released by posting $1,200 cash.

As for Gary Alexander “Alex” Moore, the case against him has not been dismissed and he remains in the custody of the Greene County Jail.

The investigation into the murder of John Chapman continues to be ongoing.