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Man staying in vacant house accused of trespassing

A man who was staying in a vacant house, who thought he had permission to stay there, was arrested for criminal trespassing after the owner said he did not have permission.

Michael Tomes

Michael James Allen Tomes, 33, was arrested last Tuesday, June 4, by Deputy Marshal Jordan Allor of the Bloomfield Police Department. Tomes is listed with a home address in Sullivan in jail records but court records show him with a Bloomfield address.

Officer Allor was dispatched to check on Tomes after someone called in and reported he was staying in someone’s house on East Main Street in Bloomfield.

Officer Allor said when he arrived, it appeared the house was not occupied due to the lack of items inside, but Tomes was there.

According to Allor, Tomes said a family member had told him he could stay there but when Allor talked to the family member, he found out that wasn’t the case.

Allor also talked to the property owners who said Tomes was not supposed to be there and they didn’t know anyone was there until the officer called them.

Allor noted there were “No Trespassing” signs posted on the house.

In the probable cause affidavit prepared by Officer Allor, he indicated Tomes may have been in need of medication and medical attention.

Tomes was taken into custody and booked into the Greene County Jail where his bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He’s facing a charge of criminal trespassing, a Class A misdemeanor.