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Man on home detention accused of efforts to fake results of drug screens

A man who was on home detention on a meth conviction allegedly had a unique pair of underwear custom sewn and rigged to hold a small bottle of urine to use during a drug screen.

Bryan Lee Cullison, Jr.

Bryan Lee Cullison, Jr., 38, Linton, was arrested by Deputy Harvey Holt of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department last Friday, September 18, on a warrant issued as a result of an investigation by Special Deputy Andrew Johnson, a field officer with Greene County Community Corrections.

Cullison was on home detention for a conviction of possession of methamphetamine, a Level 5 felony, when Officer Johnson arrived at Cullison’s home on West County Road 140 South in the Linton area on Tuesday, September 15, to do a home visit.

Officer Johnson knocked on Cullison’s door around 4:51 that afternoon. He said all the blinds in the house were closed but he saw a pair of eyes peek out of the front blinds. Cullison then answered the door and said he had just got up from a nap.

When Officer Johnson entered the residence and told Cullison he was there to conduct a drug screen, he heard shuffling in the back of the house. He asked who it was and Cullison said he didn’t know. Officer Johnson then found a woman lying in a bed, reaching for a black drawstring bag that was on the floor. As the officer reached down and picked up the bag, he noticed Cullison pick something up and try to hide it in his hand.

The item Cullison had turned out to be a small plastic bottle filled with a yellow liquid with a charcoal pack attached to the side of the bottle with a rubber band. The officer confiscated the bottle. Officer Johnson reported finding a leavy green plant substance in the black bag, which later field-tested positive as marijuana.

Once other deputies arrived at the house to assist, the house was searched, in compliance with the rules and regulations of the home detention program.

Officer Johnson reported they found a pair of modified underwear that had been dual-layered with a glove sewn in between them to facilitate holding a urine specimen. They also found an empty bottle with a temperature strip about the same size as the bottle confiscated from Cullison and Cullison allegedly confirmed the purpose of these items.

After the search, a urinalysis drug screen was conducted on Cullison and Officer Johnson reported the results came back with positives on the presence of MET, AMP, THC and MDMA, indicating the use of methamphetamine, marijuana and Ecstasy. The results were being sent to a lab for confirmation.

Cullison was not arrested at that time but remained in home detention. A criminal case was then filed against him and a warrant issued for his arrest. He was arrested and booked into jail last Friday at 12:31 p.m. He is being held without bond.

Cullison is scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court tomorrow morning, September 24, for two hearings. One is a hearing on whether he will remain on home detention or if his placement will be modified. In the second hearing, he will be formally charged with possession of a device or substance used to interfere with a drug or alcohol screening, a Class B misdemeanor, and possession of marijuana, a Class B misdemeanor.