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LPD breaks up fight in progress outside at 1 a.m. on a Sunday

Four individuals, who heard a screaming, yelling, physical domestic between a man and a woman outside in Linton at 1 a.m., responded when she yelled for help. The man threw a punch at one of them but missed. He got punched back. LPD officers responded and took two to jail.

Caden Lee Dalton

Alicyn Mariah Hale

Caden Lee Dalton, 26, and Alicyn Mariah Hale, 23, were both arrested early Sunday, May 31, by Officer Adam King of the Linton Police Department.

Court and jail records list Dalton with a home address in Terre Haute and Hale with a home address in Linton. Both were taken into custody following an incident that occurred in Linton.

Dalton was booked in to the Greene County Jail at 2:16 a.m., Hale at 3:21 a.m. In both cases, bond was set at $500 surety with ten percent cash allowed. Both posted $50 and were released the same day.

A criminal case was then filed against Dalton in Greene Superior Court and he is scheduled to appear in court for an initial hearing early tomorrow morning, Thursday, June 11.

A charge against Hale was dropped and no criminal case was filed against her. The amount she posted to bond out of jail was released and returned to her.

Around 1:15 a.m. that Sunday, May 31, Officer King was dispatched to a fight in progress at the intersection of 1st Street NE and B Street in Linton.

Officer King reported that when he arrived on scene, five men were yelling at each other while standing around a woman who was on the ground. As he broke up the confrontation, the woman, later identified as Hale, was screaming and throwing rocks at the men.

Officer King talked to Dalton first, who had a bloody nose and said he’d been fighting with his girlfriend, Hale, when “four punks” walked over and started in on him. He said when he told them to leave, he was punched in the face. Officer King noted that as they were talking, Dalton kept yelling, trying to antagonize the other males to fight. Dalton was told to sit down and stop yelling.

When the officer talked to Hale, she said much the same thing but was hard to understand due to screaming and crying. She said one of the males had thrown her to the ground. While they were talking, LPD Officer Robison, who also responded, told Dalton multiple times to stop yelling.

When Officer King talked to the four males, they all said they heard Dalton and Hale yelling at each other and saw Hale hit Dalton in the face. They said they saw Hale get into a vehicle and almost hit Dalton with it, then Dalton opened the door of the vehicle, Hale started yelling for help, and they went over. According to the officer’s narrative, Dalton threw a punch toward one of them but missed and then he got punched in the face. They said while this was going on, Hale jumped on one of their backs and when that male bent over, she fell on the ground.

The officer noted that during these conversations, Dalton continued yelling and tried to move toward the four males and while Dalton was being restrained and taken into custody, Hale was combative so she was placed in handcuffs. Once in Officer King’s patrol vehicle, she said she was having a panic attack so he transported her to Greene County General Hospital where she refused treatment.

Officers said they detected the odor of alcohol beverages coming from both Dalton and Hale.

Both were transported to jail.

Dalton is facing a preliminary charge of disorderly conduct – engaged in fighting or tumultuous conduct, a Class B misdemeanor.