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LPD arrests woman caught stealing from local store

LPD officers arrested a woman who allegedly admitted changing price tags and stuffing items inside her clothing at a local store. In addition, when taken into custody, officers reported she was carrying meth and heroin.

bobbi jo staggs

Bobbi Joe Staggs, 33, Bloomington, was arrested by Sergeant Bobby Pierce of the Linton Police Department on Monday, August 22.

On Monday, a loss prevention associate from Walmart in Linton contacted the LPD and said they saw a woman, who had a child with her, replacing barcodes to obtain obtain cheaper prices and also stuffing items inside her shirt. They asked for LPD to respond in case she were to run.

Sergeant Pierce responded along with LPD Officers Alan Jackson and Janzen Franklin and when they were outside the west entry doors, a woman fitting the description came out of the store and was stopped by loss prevention and taken to their office.

Staggs was identified as the woman who allegedly admitted to the theft and replacing barcodes. She also removed items from her clothing. The items that were stolen totaled up to $169.96.

Staggs was taken into custody and when she was searched before transport, she was found with a small pink zip bag that contained a syringe that field tested positive for methamphetamine, a cellophane wrapper containing a round pink pill, a gray powdered rock substance that field tested positive for heroin, broken pieces of another pink pill, cut straws and a small container containing a powder residue.

Sergeant Pierce reported that when Staggs was questioned about these items, she said they did not belong to her and that she'd gotten this small bag from another person and put it in her purse not knowing the contents, but she said the small pink pills were hers and they must have been stolen and put in the small pink bag. She said they were suboxone that she has a prescription for.

Staggs was transported and booked into the Greene County Jail at 11:46 PM. She was being held without bond pending court appearance – date not yet known.

Staggs is facing charges of:

  • Possession of methamphetamine, a Level 6 felony,

  • Possession of a narcotic drug, a Level 6 felony,

  • Unlawful possession of syringe, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Theft, a Class A misdemeanor.