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Linton woman accused of intimidation

A Linton woman is accused of making threats against a co-worker. She resigned from her job but she’s been summoned to appear in court on a charge of intimidation.

Kari Keller, 38, Linton, was summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court last week for an initial hearing on a preliminary charge of intimidation, a Class A misdemeanor. However, the date of the hearing has now been pushed back to June 22.

A case was filed against Keller after an investigation by Officer Debbie McDonald of the Linton Police Department into a series of incidents that occurred back on Sunday, February 9.

At that time, Keller was an employee at Glenburn Nursing Home in Linton and on that Sunday, Officer McDonald was dispatched to the facility around 9:30 a.m. When she arrived, a supervisor and another employee explained details of a situation involving Keller’s boyfriend who was sitting outside the facility in his car. They said when they looked out the door, he got out of his vehicle and approached the door shaking his finger and pointing at them. The director of nursing directed that police be called to have the man removed. Officer McDonald talked to the man, who said he did approach the door but was not trying to get in or anything. Officer McDonald asked him to leave and he complied.

Officer McDonald was sent back to the facility a couple of hours later. When Keller was quitting work, upset that police had been called on her boyfriend, she allegedly made a threat to the other employee and a third employee confirmed that she heard Keller threatening to harm the other employee.

A bit later, McDonald was advised Keller had posted a threat on her Facebook page making another threat to the other employee. McDonald checked the Facebook page.

McDonald reported that when she talked to Keller, Keller said she could post whatever she wanted on her Facebook.

A criminal case was then filed against Keller and she received a summons to appear in court.