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Linton woman accused of battery by can of chicken noodle soup

A Linton woman who was arrested early Monday is accused of domestic battery for allegedly throwing and hitting a man with a can of chicken noodle soup.

Leah Emily Rose

Leah Emily Rose, 19, Linton, was arrested by Deputy Camron Frye of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department early Monday, December 13.

Deputy Frye was dispatched around 2:24 a.m. Monday after a man reported he had been battered by Rose. The caller said Rose had thrown a can of soup at him, which hit him. He said he had been living with Rose but had decided to move out, and was trying to get his belongings but Rose wouldn’t let him.

When Deputy Frye arrived at the residence on South Jenny Lane, along with Officer Bobby Pierce of the Linton Police Department, he met the man outside in the driveway and learned the two had been in an argument and at some point, Rose threw a can of soup at him which hit him in the back and left a welt. He also said she had hit him in the face with a closed fist.

Deputy Frye took photographs of the man’s injury on his back but said he did not observe any visible injuries to the man’s face.

When Deputy Frye talked to Rose, she confirmed the two had been in an argument and claimed the man had been breaking stuff. She allegedly admitted she threw a can at him and hit him except she wasn’t intentionally trying to hit him. The deputy advised that when she throws something at someone and it hits them, that’s an issue.

Two witnesses who were inside the residence during the altercation confirmed the argument. One said verbal altercation started around 1 a.m. The other confirmed Rose had hit the man with a can.

Rose was taken into custody and transported to the Greene County Jail where she was booked in at 3:46 a.m. Her bond was set at $1,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. She has since posted bond and been released.

While on the scene, Deputy Frye took a photograph of the can that was thrown, a can of Campbell’s Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup.

Rose is scheduled to be in Greene Superior Court for her initial hearing on January 3 on a charge of domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor.