Linton-Stockton school bus hit by semi on Thursday afternoon
A Linton-Stockton school bus with six children on board was hit by a semi-truck west of Linton on Thursday afternoon. No injuries were reported. The semi, carrying fresh produce, was on its way to a free community dairy and produce distribution event.
The crash involving two vehicles occurred around 3:32 p.m. Thursday, September 17, at the intersection of State Roads 59 and 54.
Deputy Alan Jackson of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department, the investigating officer, was dispatched along with other GCSD deputies and personnel from the Indiana State Police and Linton Rescue.
Chahil Sukbinder was identified as the driver of the semi with a trailer attached. Helen Carroll was the driver of the Linton-Stockton school bus.
According to Deputy Jackson, deputies determined the school bus was westbound on SR 54 and the semi was southbound on SR 59. The semi came to a stop at the SR 59 and 54 intersection, then pulled out onto SR 54 and struck the passenger side of the school bus.
Deputy Jackson reported there were six juvenile passengers and two adult occupants on board the school bus at the time of the crash but none were reported to be injured. After the crash, the children were released to their parents as parents arrived on the scene.