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Linton man facing charges in Greene County as well as Kansas

A man living in a campground since September is in custody on a felony warrant issued out of Kansas. But now he’s also facing felony charges in Greene County.

David Vincent Gomez

David Vincent Gomez, 41, Linton, was arrested by Det. Sgt. Shawn Cullison of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department on Monday morning, December 20.

Gomez was taken into custody on a warrant issued out of Seward County, Kansas, on charges of felony aggravated intimidation, felony criminal threat, and misdemeanor domestic battery.

Gomez came to the attention of law enforcement on Monday, December 20, when a woman reported Gomez, her boyfriend, had battered her at a campground where they had been living.

Det. Cullison reported the woman said Gomez was schizophrenic and had been violent with her. Starting a few days earlier, Gomez allegedly was yelling and pushing her, and had been punching her. She said he thought she had placed a chip in her arm and he told her to take it out, and if she didn’t, he would kill her. Gomez allegedly threatened to kill her several times, had a knife and at one point threatened to cut her head off, then later strangled her with both hands wrapped around her throat. She also alleged that he grabbed a pair of kitchen scissors and said he was going to stab her.

The two moved to the campground in September and the woman thought he had warrants out for his arrest in three states. Det. Cullison verified the warrant out of Kansas and verified authorities there would extradite.

When LPD Officers Davis Aerne and Orry Phipps went to Gomez’s residence in the campground, Gomez was taken into custody on the Kansas warrant and then booked into the Greene County Jail.

Gomez allegedly confirmed he had mental issues and said he hasn’t been able to control himself lately but he said he didn’t abuse his girlfriend. He said he might have been verbally mean but he didn’t hurt her.

Now he is facing criminal charges in Greene County as well as Kansas. Here, he’s facing charges of:

  • Intimidation – draws or uses a deadly weapon, a Level 5 felony,

  • Strangulation, a Level 6 felony, and

  • Domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor.

He is being held without bond.