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Linton man caught in foot pursuit

A Linton man wanted on a warrant decided he’d like to have a few drinks before turning himself in, so he took off running when officers arrived to arrest him in the wee hours of Sunday morning. They caught him.

Logan Elmore, 23, Linton, was arrested by Officer Kyle Robison of the Linton Police Department on Sunday, January 12.

Elmore was wanted on a warrant issued on a petition to revoke a suspended sentence in a case filed after he was arrested last July 24.

In that earlier case, LPD Officer John Agan accused Elmore of using various tactics to manipulate the price of items in an attempt to purchase items at a reduced price. Video surveillance provided by the Walmart store in Linton showed Elmore paid far less than the actual price of the items he was purchasing on five different visits to the store in May.

Elmore was charged with five counts of felony theft. He entered into a plea agreement in August and in September, he was convicted of one count of theft, a Level 6 felony. The other counts were dismissed. He was sentenced to two years, given credit for 42 days served in jail and the rest of his sentence was suspended.

Elmore was then placed on probation and at the end of December, the Greene County Probation Department filed a petition to revoke his suspended sentence. A warrant was issued for his arrest.

So last Sunday, January 12, around 3 in the morning, officers from the Linton Police Department attempted to serve the warrant at a location on County Road 1600 West.

LPD Officer Robison reported that Elmore had just pulled into the driveway and exited his vehicle when officers arrived. Officer Robison hit the red and blue lights and as he got out of the patrol vehicle, Elmore took off, heading east on foot.

Officer Robison gave chase and the foot pursuit ended with Elmore caught and taken into custody.

Officer Robison reported that Elmore said he was going to turn himself in that morning but wanted to have a few drinks first and that’s why he decided to flee.

In addition to the petition to revoke in the earlier case, Elmore is now facing an additional charge of resisting law enforcement, a Class A misdemeanor.