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Linton man accused of taking a vehicle without permission

A Linton man who was denied permission to use a vehicle allegedly grabbed the keys and took off in the vehicle anyway. Now he’s facing a charge of felony theft.  

Jordan Scott Enochs

Jordan Scott Enochs, 32, Linton, was arrested by Officer Adam King of the Linton Police Department late Tuesday night, June 16.

Enochs was wanted on a warrant for his arrest that was issued earlier in the day as a result of a report filed by LPD Officer Joe Riley.

Officer Riley was dispatched to a residence in Linton back on Saturday, May 23, around 12:24 a.m. to investigate the theft of a vehicle.

Officer Riley reported a woman who owned the vehicle and said she was an ex-girlfriend, said Enochs had been at her home earlier and asked to use her vehicle. She did not agree and said Enochs then stormed out of the house with the keys and left in her vehicle.

The vehicle was entered into the IDACS system as a stolen vehicle.

Then on May 26, the vehicle owner contacted LPD to report a friend had located the vehicle in Jasonville and returned it to her.

Officer Riley said Enochs did not attempt to return the vehicle from the time it was reported as stolen until the time it was located and returned.

Riley attempted to locate Enochs during his investigation but was not successful.

A criminal case was filed against Enochs on a preliminary charge of theft, a Level 6 felony.

His bond was set at $4,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. He posted $400 and was released the next day.

Enochs is scheduled to appear in court for an initial hearing on June 22.