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Jasonville man allegedly stole a clock then gave it back

A Jasonville man is accused of stealing a clock and the open sign from a laundry in Jasonville. He gave the clock back but he’s still facing a charge of misdemeanor theft.

Robert E. Steed, 55, Jasonville, is being summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court on November 8 for an initial hearing on a charge of theft, a Class A misdemeanor.

Chief Ryan Van Horn of the Jasonville Police Department responded to the Shakamak Laundry on Monday, September 6, after the owner reported a theft.

When he arrived, he learned the owner had discovered a clock and an open sign had been stolen on Thursday, September 2, and she provided video from the security system.

Officer Van Horn said when he watched the video of a man taking the clock and the sign, he recognized the suspect as Steed and he went to Steed’s residence to talk to him.

Steed allegedly admitted taking the items and said he took the open sign for someone who was willing to pay $100 for the sign. He then asked Officer Van Horn if he wanted the clock and said he could give him the clock right then. He also said he would get the sign back and Officer Van Horn told him the owner would appreciate getting both items back.

Officer Van Horn reported that Steed went into his residence and came back out with the stolen clock which Officer Van Horn then returned to the owner.