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Jasonville Fire Department hosting fundraiser

The Jasonville Fire Department and the department’s auxiliary members are hosting a fundraiser to help raise funds to purchase and upgrade equipment. 

From now until Sept. 4, department and auxiliary members are taking orders for mums – grown by District 6 Market in Riley. The 9-inch potted fall flowers are $11 each or three for $30. They are available in yellow, orange, purple, pink, red, and white. Orders can be placed by contacting any fire department/ auxiliary members or by messaging the Jasonville Fire Department Facebook page. Orders will be picked up on Sept. 11 and distributed to those who ordered. 

Proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit the department’s equipment. 

“So much of their equipment is outdated and needs replaced,” said auxiliary member Britnee Duckworth. “We are working on grants and fundraisers to slowly replace things.”

Members of the Jasonville Fire Department are: Matt Duckworth, Mike Duckworth, Brian Pilant, David Neal, John Boucher, Mike Keller, Andrew Duguay, Braden Keller, Trey Neal, and Janzen Franklin. 

Members of the auxiliary are: Duckworth, Beth Neal, Karen Duckworth, Carolyn Duckworth, Tina Boucher, Jona Keller, Danichelle Brant, Ruth Disney, Karen Pilant, and Liz Franklin.