Indiana teachers can now get COVID vaccine at any state site
INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Health announced today that Indiana educators up to grade 12 and other school support staff can now sign up for a free COVID-19 vaccine at any Indiana vaccination clinic.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eligible individuals include teachers and staff in pre-K through high school, childcare centers, Head Start and Early Start programs, along with licensed childcare providers, including center-based and family care providers. Classroom aides, bus drivers, janitors, counselors, administration staff, cafeteria workers and substitute teachers also are eligible.
To schedule a vaccine, visit or call 211 if you do not have access to a computer or require assistance.
Appointment availability varies by site, so individuals seeking an earlier appointment may need to look at openings in nearby counties. If an individual already has an appointment scheduled but finds an earlier appointment, please call 211 to reschedule.
Vaccines also are available at Kroger and Meijer stores, but those must be scheduled through the retailers’ websites.
In addition to teachers, Hoosiers age 50 and older, along with healthcare workers, long-term care residents and first responders who are regularly called to the scene of an emergency to render medical assistance, are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Hoosiers with specific conditions, such as sickle cell disease or cancer, that put them at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 also are eligible and will receive a unique link to schedule a vaccine once their healthcare provider submits their information to the Indiana Department of Health. To find a complete list of those who are currently eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, visit
Eligibility will be expanded as more vaccine becomes available.