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Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Rush tested positive for COVID-19

September 14, 2020 - The Indiana Supreme Court and Office of Judicial Administration confirm Chief Justice Loretta H. Rush has tested positive for COVID-19. The Chief Justice tested positive on September 13 after a family member tested positive.

The Chief Justice immediately self-isolated upon learning of the family member’s positive COVID test, has been working remotely, and has not been to the State House since September 1. The Chief Justice is presently quarantined and continuing to work remotely.

Chief Justice Rush immediately notified her colleagues, staff, and other government officials. Her public schedule will be adjusted as needed.

The Indiana Supreme Court and Clerk’s Office remain open, with continued adjustments in place to protect the health and well-being of employees and the community. The Judicial Branch has a COVID-19 website dedicated to providing information on the operations of trial and appellate courts.