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GreeneStreets will meet the next challenge

Since starting GreeneStreets, there's been a lot of obstacles thrown in the path, but I got over them or around them and carried on, and the readership just kept growing. But the latest obstacle is the most challenging one yet. I can't type. I’ve not been able to type normally all week. This is a very big problem.

After a recent lower back injury slowed me down, I was very careful with it and it has improved much faster than I expected, although I lost a lot of strength from inactivity. Now I'm in physical rehab, and that's going well.

But one day when I woke up from a short nap, the fingers on my left hand and my left wrist we're cramped up and looked like they belonged on a monster in a horror movie. I kept working with them, stretching, massaging, doing all the things you do when something is cramped up, and it all stretched back out nicely, except my fingers don't work. They will not do what I want them to do. They will not type. My thumb and index finger are both doing better now but not my ring finger or pinky finger. I can't even raise my wrist. All this week, what I have managed to get posted, was done by hunting and pecking with one hand. It didn't go well.

I was thinking my hand would magically heal itself but that hasn't happened, so I have an appointment at the clinic on Monday to figure out how to fix my hand. It appears to be an ulnar nerve issue.

This situation has been extremely upsetting. Then I remembered my dad saying, “Where there's a will, there's a way. You just gotta find the way.” I've worked too hard for too long on this site to let this get the better of me, so I'm learning how to speak a story into existence rather than type, and how to control my computer with my voice.

I am a bit behind and I'll be working on the weekend to learn new skills and start getting caught up. Thanks to Halea Franklin for writing a few stories this week. And special thanks to all the GreeneStreets readers for their patience.