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Father facing felonies for alleged batteries to a juvenile

A father is facing two counts of Level 5 felonies as a result of an investigation by an LPD detective into reports of multiple incidents of battery to a juvenile.

Jason Heath Glover, 45, Switz City, was arrested by Detective Logan Hobbs of the Linton Police Department on Thursday, April 14.

An investigation into battery that caused injuries to a juvenile began at 10:51 AM on Thursday, April 14, when Detective Hobbs was dispatched to Linton-Stockton Middle School where he met with School Resource Officer Josh Goodman.

When Detective Hobbs walked in, the juvenile was waiting to talk to him and Detective Hobbs noticed a bruise under one of his eyes. Then SRO Goodman showed Detective Hobbs pictures of the bruises on the juvenile’s legs—that were taken just prior to the detective's arrival.

Detective Hobbs noted the bruising appeared to have occurred over an extended period of time due to the varied appearance of each bruise.

The juvenile was able to describe an incident that occurred night before when Glover, while disciplining the juvenile, allegedly picked up a board game and hit the juvenile in the head with it then pushed the juvenile onto a bed forcing his face into the bed with Glover's elbow, punched him and then reminded him that he told him that if he hurt one of his siblings again, accident or not, that he was going to kill him.

According to Detective Hobbs, the juvenile said Glover had threatened him multiple times including threats to turn him into a bloody pulp, send him to military camp, and kill him. The juvenile also said Glover had told him he should kill himself because that would be one less frustration in his life. The juvenile allegedly said the bruises on his legs were caused by being hit with a belt either daily or every other day.

In a probable cause affidavit prepared by Detective Hobbs, he describes numerous other incidents that the juvenile said have occurred, including one in recent years that was investigated by DCS and resulted in Glover having to live away from the house for 30 days. Although these other incidents are included in the affidavit and are a matter of public record, they are disturbing and will not be included in this story.

During his investigation, Detective Hobbs interviewed a sibling who witnessed or was aware of some of the incidents, the victim’s mother and Jason Glover.

Glover allegedly confirmed many of the same incidents although he claimed the juvenile had inflicted the bruises on himself. When asked specifically about any statements he might have made regarding suicide, Glover allegedly admitted that during the April 13th incident, he told the juvenile that he did not want to clean up the mess. Glover allegedly admitted being in the wrong on some things but generally described the juvenile as being the primary aggressor in their physical altercations.

Glover was booked into the Greene County Jail at 6:42 PM on April 14 with bond set at $4000 surety with 10% cash allowed. He posted $400 and was released on April 15.

A protective order has been served to Glover and he was scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court on Thursday.