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COVID-19 Stats: Greene County reports increase of 16 cases in one day

When the Indiana Department of Health announced the updated statewide COVID-19 stats on Wednesday, August 19, the data showed Greene County reporting an increase of 16 confirmed cases over the previous day for a total of 291 confirmed cases and 35 deaths reported to the state, and a total of 3,987 tested. When the stats were last posted on GreeneStreets 15 days ago on August 4, the total confirmed cases for Greene County was 240 with 34 confirmed deaths. This represents 51 new cases in the last 15 days and one new death.

Of those tested, some results may not yet be received or reported and included in the data. The new statewide counts are released once a day.

Greene County Stats ( Newly Reported = Increase since the previous day.)

Greene County’s Confirmed Cases Weekly Totals

Greene County’s New Cases per Week in graph form

Greene County Confirmed Cases by Zip Code

Statewide Confirmed Cases by County

Deaths by county

Testing by county

Seven-Day Positivity rate by county as of August 12

Statewide Stats (Newly Reported = Since Yesterday)