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Charge filed against member of Worthington Town Council

A GCSD detective reported finding marijuana when a search warrant was executed at the home of a Worthington Town Council member.

Kimberly L. Archer, 59, Worthington, is facing a charge of possession of marijuana, a Class B misdemeanor, as a result of an investigation by Det. David Elmore of the Greene County Sheriff’s Department.

Archer currently serves as a council member on the Worthington Town Council.

Back on August 10, a search warrant was executed on Archer’s residence on Willie Street in Worthington by Det. Elmore, Det. Sgt. Shawn Cullison and Deputy Davis Aerne.

Det. Elmore reported that during the search, Det. Sgt. Cullison found multiple containers and baggies that contained a plant material that field-tested as marijuana. They also located Zig-Zag rolling papers and at least one marijuana cigarette made with a Zig-Zag.

Det. Elmore said when Archer was asked who the marijuana found in her bathroom belonged to, she said it was hers. When asked where it came from, she allegedly said she got it from someone at the restaurant in town but she refused to identify the source. According to the probable cause affidavit prepared by Det. Elmore, Archer said, “I just can’t tell you, I just can’t.”

After information from the investigation was submitted to the prosecutor’s office, the Greene County Prosecutor filed a criminal case against Archer yesterday, Monday, October 18.

A court date has not yet been set but Archer will be summoned to appear in Greene Superior Court for her initial hearing.