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Bloomfield woman accused of prowling, trespassing and theft

A Bloomfield woman is accused of prowling around a couple of residences in a Bloomfield neighborhood and stealing items out of a vehicle.

Sarah Rachael Goodman

Sarah Rachael Goodman, 32, Bloomfield, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Wayman JR Blazier of the Bloomfield Police Department on Thursday, May 20. Her bond was set at $2,000 surety with ten percent cash allowed. She posted $200, was released later the same day, and is now scheduled to be in court for her initial hearing next Monday, June 7.

Around 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, Bloomfield Town Marshal Kenny Tharp responded after a resident called 911 about a suspicious woman walking in her yard. The resident said the woman was looking in her neighbor’s windows and going up to their doors. Marshal Tharp located the woman, identified her as Sarah Goodman, and told her she could not be walking through private property. He released her, but that was not the end of it.

Later in the afternoon, when the resident looked at video from a security camera, she saw Goodman had gotten into her blue 2020 Jeep at a point before she called 911 earlier in the day.

Then around 5:10 p.m., another resident in the same area called 911 and said a woman, who turned out to be Goodman, was walking around her yard and when she confronted the woman, the woman said she was looking for something then walked off.

Officer Blazier, the investigating officer in this case, responded and talked to two people who told him the woman (Goodman) had walked from behind Warnick’s Body Shop onto their property, heading toward their vehicles. The woman stopped when one of the residents yelled at her.

When Officer Blazier reviewed the video from the other resident’s security camera, the resident said her purse was in her Jeep and she was missing $15 in cash, loose change from the driver’s door pocket, an Amazon gift card and a personal check out of her checkbook. The officer said the video showed Goodman walking around a fence and onto the back of the property, then onto the driveway where she opened the door to the Jeep, got in, then got back out.

When Officer Blazier talked to Goodman at her residence, Goodman allegedly said someone told her the keys were in the Jeep and she could take it. She denied taking anything out of the Jeep.

Goodman was taken into custody and transported to the Greene County Jail where she was booked in at 6:10 p.m. During this process, Goodman allegedly asked several times why she was being arrested. She posted bond that night.

Early the next morning, around 6:30 a.m., Marshal Tharp was dispatched back to the first resident’s location after the resident reported Goodman was outside her back window yelling at her, saying that she did not steal anything from her. Goodman was again advised she could not be on the property and was told to go home.

Goodman is facing preliminary charges of:

  • Theft, a Class A misdemeanor,

  • Criminal trespassing, a Class A misdemeanor, and

  • Unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle, a Class B misdemeanor.