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Woman taken to jail by WPD after she caused one ruckus after another in local bar

A 33-year-old Worthington woman was arrested after having too many drinks and refusing to leave a Worthington establishment. 

chasandrea renee hunter

Chasandrea Renee Hunter was arrested by Worthington Police Chief Jacob Gambill following an incident that began in the evening hours of Jan. 10 at Jose’s Bar and Grill in Worthington. Gambill received a call that Hunter had been drinking and was fighting with her boyfriend. The owner stated she’d been asked to leave but refused and at the time of the call was beating on the bar door of the establishment. 

Gambill responded along with other deputies from the Greene County Sheriff’s Department. Upon his arrival, Gambill spoke with the owner and a bartender. He was informed that Hunter had been drinking and had reached a point of intoxication that she would no longer be served alcohol. According to the probable cause affidavit, when Hunter ordered a shot but was denied, she became irate with the bartender and told her to make the shot or she would go behind the bar and make it herself. As the owner was watching surveillance cameras, he noticed the bartender enter the kitchen. When the bartender was in the kitchen, Hunter went behind the bar. It is unclear whether or not she made herself the drink. 

The bartender said Hunter continued to yell and scream and eventually began arguing with her boyfriend. The bartender said the disturbance caused customers to leave the establishment. 

Security footage shows Hunter kicking the back door of the establishment while yelling. Footage captured her kick the back door, then fall down. 

When Gambill spoke with Hunter, she allegedly told him it wasn’t an issue with her boyfriend, it was an issue with the owner. She said he told the bartender not to serve her. Hunter said she told the bartender if she wasn’t going to make her a shot, she’d go behind the bar and do it herself. She did tell Gambill that the incident with her boyfriend was due to the fact that he took her keys away so she wouldn’t drive. 

Gambill noted that Hunter’s words were slurred and her eyes appeared to be red and glassy. She also listed off several drinks she’d consumed during the evening. 

Gambill noted that while talking to Hunter, her behavior was very tumultuous, much like described by the bartender and captured on camera footage. 

Hunter was informed she was no longer wanted on the property and would be arrested if she returned.

She was transported to Greene County Jail where her bond was set at $500 surety with 10 percent allowed. She was released later the same day after posting $50. 

She’s scheduled to appear in Greene Superior Court on Jan. 23 where she will be formally charged with: 

  • Criminal trespass, a Class A Misdemeanor

  • Disorderly conduct, a Class B Misdemeanor